
Thursday, December 11, 2014

Tis The Reason For The Season

As we run around gathering gifts, baking cookies and ensuring that the decorations are up, make sure you stop and remember the true meaning of what is behind all of these things.

What is the real meaning and "reason for the season"?  Maybe we can all slow down a little bit and wake up each morning for the rest of December and contemplate what is behind all of the holiday festivities.  Maybe with reflection we can all help bring the true spirit of Christmas to the lives of others.

Where is your heart?  Are you finding the need to compare and be critical? Are you judging the spirit and creativity of those around you?  Do you feel the need to speak unkindly towards others? Do you measure your value based on the gift you receive?  If so, you are missing the point here.

Giving, blessing, hoping, encouraging, helping.  Love, service, life.

May you find the true "reason for the season".


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