
Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Shorts and Bathing Suit Ready with Veggies

Are you ready for shorts and a bathing suit?  Um......I would say no (for sure no) so I'm working on really good veggie sides and cutting out the starches.  Here is a great way to prepare your veggies that is super easy and low cal.  You can do this with pretty much any veggie of your choosing.  Try the gives your veggies a little zip!  Delicious!

Follow these simple steps and you’ll be on your way to making some shockingly delightful savory treats that you can feel awesome about.

1. Preheat oven to 425 F
2. Cut your veg into 8-cm/3-inch sticks, making sure they are even in thickness.
3. Line a baking tray with baking paper and a light layer of olive oil.
4. SEASON – go with the usual salt&pepper and branch out to one or two of the following (Choose Your Own Adventure-style): paprika, cumin, cayenne, crushed red peppers, thyme, rosemary, sage – really, whatever takes your fancy and suits your meal. Using premixed spice blends is a great option too – Italian, Mexican, Old Bay – you know, just not all at once.
(Today I used salt&pepper + smokey paprika and crushed red peppers.)
Lightly toss your vegetable batons with a tablespoon or so of olive oil (not too much) and the herbs and spices.
5. Spread seasoned veg over lined tray and roast, tossing halfway through, for about 20 minutes or browned.

Check out  Voracious Vander for more great recipes.

Have a great day!


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