Monday, March 17, 2014

Mother's Wisdom

There is a light in this world,
a healing spirit more powerful than any darkness
we may encounter.
We sometimes lose sight of this force
when there is suffering and too much pain.
Then suddenly,
the spirit will emerge
through the lives of ordinary people
who hear a call
and answer in extraordinary ways.

~mother teresa

I've had this little writing with me for a long time.  It was cut out from an old magazine. My mom sent it to me at some point in my life when I needed to hear the message written above.  Occasionally, as I'm looking for something or cleaning out a few things, I find these little cut outs of wisdom that she has sent me over the years. I find them in drawers, books, old purses and special places where I have little keepsakes. Sometimes I wish I was more organized and had kept them all in one place like in a "mother's wisdom book" or something to that effect.  Or maybe not....  I actually like stumbling across them here and there and finding these little poems or sayings....reminding me of the strength of the message and of someone who loved me enough to send them.  

The bench above was painted in a french linen.  I'll post the before and after picture soon.  Right now I'm going to focus on the words of Mother Teresa.  How beautiful and how true.  

Have a great week.


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